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There is a small battery integrated into your computer’s motherboard to keep the PC clock running even when the computer is turned off. When the battery runs out, you will start seeing error messages such as “System CMOS checksum bad – Default configuration used” when starting up the computer and the date and time getting reset back to the default BIOS manufacturer date. You can still start up the computer by pressing a button to resume the boot process and Windows will load as normal.

The problems start when you begin using the computer whereby the created, modified and accessed time on files and folders will get messed up, the emails that you sent and received on your email client software are marked with a much older date resulting in the mails being pushed to the bottom, all secure HTTPS websites won’t load on your web browser, evaluation periods of trial software may instantly expire, etc. Windows has an automatic time synchronization feature to keep your computer’s clock accurate, but unfortunately it is scheduled to only run once a week.

The Mobile Website is a website designed for all mobile devices accessed through a web browser. Performs best with these browsers. To download the most current versions of these browsers, click on the appropriate link below. Then, each time you want to pay a bill, you select the payee from the list you created, select the. Every time Firefox opened. Finding the registry path was strictly hit-or-miss because I didn’t know the name of the files I was looking for.. So maybe its google who's having the pages appear and all the links are listed correctly but all have the redirection pages tied to them through the title link and may not even be a browser.

Changing the integrated battery on the motherboard will solve the problem and is actually quite easy to accomplish for desktop computers but on laptops the battery is often harder to get to. If you don’t want to take things apart, here are a few ways to automatically synchronize your PC clock on Windows startup so you don’t have to remember going to the Internet Time Settings option and manually click on the Update Now button each time you power up your computer.

1. Dimension 4

Dimension 4 is probably the most popular time correction software for computers running Windows operating system. It is free for personal use but commercial users will require to purchase a license at $10 each. What we like about Dimension 4 is it comes with a huge list of time servers, able to load the program at Windows startup through services, run a time sync once and then automatically exiting the program. Apart from that, if the time server fails, it can automatically retry the next time server until it gets a working time sync.

If you want to use Dimension 4 to automatically sync your computer’s time on Windows startup, there are a few settings that you need to take note of. First of all, click the Settings button on the program. Then you will need to enable the following options by ticking the checkbox:

  • Load Dimension 4 at startup
  • Once loaded, wait until online
  • Synchronize once, then exit

At the correction area uncheck the “Maximum correction” checkbox or else it won’t work. This maximum correction setting will only update the time if the time on the computer is within the specified time range. Do take note that there will still be a d4.exe process running after closing the program, but it takes up very little memory usage at only 500Kb.

Download Dimension 4

2. Time-Sync

Time-Sync is another free Windows time correction software that installs and runs as a service. It is quite similar to Dimension 4 but is much simpler with less options. After installing Time-Sync, by default it is configured to run at Windows startup and automatically performing a time synchronization when the service is started. You can verify this from the Protocol tab.

At the Settings tab, you can configure to enable the event logging and change the update interval. The update interval contains selection as fast as every half a minute to once every day. So if your computer is having battery problems and not maintaining the time, you should select “Synchronize every day” so that the program doesn’t unnecessarily perform time synchronization. Time-Sync supports up to 5 time servers which can be configured in the Settings tab. It uses the first time server on the list, and automatically attempts the next one when it fails.

While Time-Sync doesn’t have the option to automatically close the program after a successful time sync, the executable file TimeSyncServiceClient.exe running in background only takes up 532Kb of memory.

Download Time-Sync

3. Neutron

If you prefer a simpler tool that just checks for the current time on the server and automatically adjusts the clock without too much fuss, check out Neutron. What makes Neutron stand out is the small file size (10KB), it’s portable, it automatically retries the next time server when the current one fails and has the ability to auto sync on startup. Importantly it can also exit after the time has been synced so nothing is left running in the background. Neutron’s an old tool dating back to 2008 but still works fine.

Although Neutron can automatically check for the system’s time accuracy during boot by placing it in the Startup folder or registry Run key, we prefer a more elegant solution of setting Neutron up to run as a scheduled task. This has some advantages such as bypassing UAC restrictions and only launching after the system has connected to the network, which is better if your network adapter takes several seconds to initialize. Here’s how to do it:

a) Download Neutron, extract the Zip file and copy the Neutron folder to the root of your C: drive. The path to the executable should look like this:


b) Launch Neutron and click the arrows at the bottom right to open the options panel. Check the “Auto sync at program startup” and “Exit after time has been synced” boxes, then close Neutron.

c) To try and simplify the process we’ve already created a scheduled task to be imported into your Task Scheduler. Download NeutronTime_Task.zip, extract it and run Create_NeutronTime_Task.bat. Users without administrator privileges will need to right click and Run as administrator or there’ll be an access denied error in the script.

d) When asked type in the password for the current user account, if the account has no password just hit Enter.

A new task will appear in Task Scheduler (taskschd.msc) which runs whenever the system boots and/or the network is initialized. Neutron will start, sync the time and close after 5 seconds. The batch script relies on the Neutron folder being in C:, if you want to change the location edit NeutronTime.xml with Notepad and change the path to Neutron.exe near the bottom, then (re)run the batch file. Edit the INI settings file to add your own custom time servers.

Note: We had a small issue on one of our test PCs although the PC itself may have caused the problem and not Neutron. The clock sync was always out by 1 hour but all time zone settings were correct. If you get the same, click on the taskbar clock > (Change) Date and time settings > Change time zone (Windows 7 only), choose a different time zone from the drop down (make sure it has a different + or – time), then change it back to your time zone. This fixed the issue for us.

4. Synchronize The Clock on Boot With Windows Time

As we’ve mentioned Windows can automatically resync the time and it does this using a scheduled task running once a week which isn’t very useful if you need to resync the clock every time the computer starts. The solution is starting the Windows Time Service on boot which will automatically synchronize the time, and it can be done by creating a new scheduled task.

Windows 10 actually does this automatically and will start the Time service via the task during boot so manually creating a task for that operating system isn’t strictly necessary. We’ve found from testing Windows 10 will sync on boot only if your system clock is currently wrong by more than 16 hours. If you need to keep the clock more closely synced you can also use this method. For Windows 7 users there is something you should do first before creating the task.

Fix The Time difference Is Too Great Error

If the clock is out by weeks, months or even years, when trying to sync the time in Windows 7 it could fail with an error saying “Windows can’t synchronize automatically with the time server because the time difference is too great. Please update your time manually”.

The error is caused by a hidden setting in Windows which only allows the clock to resync when the time difference is less than 15 hours. Increasing this to something bigger requires two settings to be edited in the registry. To modify the registry press Start, type regedit and hit Enter. Navigate to the following path:


Look for the registry values MaxPosPhaseCorrection and MaxNegPhaseCorrection. The default hexadecimal value for each is d2f0 (15 hrs), double click and change both values to FFFFFFFF, the new value is equivalent to 35 years so any time change less than that will be accepted in future.

Alternatively, you can download this ready made .reg file and run it to make the changes if you don’t want to edit the Windows registry yourself.

Create The Windows Time Scheduled Task

Like the Neutron tool above you can create a new scheduled task by importing one we’ve already made although in this case it’ll start the Windows Time Service, sync the time and then the service will stop again upon completion.

To do that download WindowsTimeSync.zip and extract it. Run the Create_WindowsTimeSync_Task batch file making sure to right click and Run as administrator if you don’t have full privileges. A new task called WindowsTimeSync will appear in Task Scheduler which will run whenever you boot or manually enable the network adapter.

A drawback using the Windows Time service is sometimes the Internet Time server fails to synchronize the clock. Third party tools we’ve mentioned in this article solve the problem by automatically attempting to sync with another server when the default fails but Windows Time will just fail if it cannot contact the default time server.

Make Sure The Windows Time Service is Not Disabled

In order for the Internet Time task to work you have to make sure the service itself is not disabled, which it will be if Internet Time is not set to synchronize once a week. To make sure go to Control Panel > Date and Time > Internet Time tab > Change settings and make sure “Synchronize with an internet time server” is checked. Click OK to confirm.

Using a More Reliable Time Server

Because the Windows Time servers supplied by Microsoft are not 100% reliable it’s possible to get server not responding or timeout errors when synchronizing. This is more likely if you live outside the United States because all the Windows time servers are US based. For a more reliable time server it’s best to use one closer to where you live.

The NTP Pool project is a service with nearly four thousand time servers available worldwide. The generic global address of pool.ntp.org does work for everybody and tries to sync with a server in your local area but it’s preferable to manually choose the closest servers to you:

a) Visit the NTP Pool Project website and click on the link for your region on the right of the page in the active servers list.

b) Inside the region page locate your country or the closest country to you and check how many servers there are in brackets. If the number is low (single figures) choose the next closest country with a higher number. Note down the server address (xx.pool.ntp.org), for the US it’s us.pool.ntp.org, for Malaysia there is only one server so a close alternative with a reasonable number would be Singapore (sg.pool.ntp.org).

c) To change the default time server in Windows to a NTP Pool server go to Control Panel > Date and Time > Internet Time tab > Change settings. Ensure the Synchronize option is checked and enter the Pool server address into the box, then click OK.

When Windows tries to sync the time according to the schedule or by pressing the Update now button, local NTP Pool servers will now be used to sync from instead, which should be faster and more reliable causing fewer errors from the Windows Time service. This is recommended for all versions of Windows as they all use the same time servers, including Windows 10.

Make Sure Your Computer Has The Correct Time Zone

Besides syncing the clock to the right time and date, another important setting in Windows to make sure the synchronization is correct is having the right time zone. If you live in Europe for example, and the time zone is set to the USA your clock could be out by as much as 10 hours. Making sure you have the correct time zone relative to your location will solve the problem.

Right click on the clock in the tray and select Adjust date/time, Windows 7 users will need to additionally press the Change time zone button. Click on the drop down and find the right time zone for your area, also make sure the daylight saving time option is enabled if your country uses DST.

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What about Meinberg NTP??? Come on

vanak10 months ago


Time-Sync is best app and works perfectly

Thanks raymond


NetTime is another perfect tool to sync time…

AEJ1 year ago

Create_WindowsTimeSync_Task.bat does not work in Window 7 Home Premium:
*** Create WindowsTimeSync Scheduled Task by Raymond.cc ***
ERROR: Invalid argument/option – ‘Time’.
Type “SCHTASKS /CREATE /?” for usage.
Press any key to continue …


Just tried it myself on both Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit and 64bit, works fine and as intended. Must be an issue local to your system.

Elmü1 year ago

Well, or you use the comfortable PTBSync, which does not only adjust your clock when a user is logged in. The backgound service does this also without user (optimal for servers) You can enter 2 time servers. If one fails the other one is taken. For people behind a firewall which blocks NTP port 123 you can even sync with a HTTP time server. Additionally you have a configurable Desktop calendar, which displays the current weather, a scheduler and a configurable trayclock which may show seconds. Strange that this program is missing here. PTBSync is donationware which means that you can use it for free but you are asked to give a donation to an ONG for using it. Description with serveral screenshots here: netcult.ch/elmue/ElmueSoft-en.htm


thank you valuable article after hour of searching!

Michael Thomas2 years ago

Thank you for the article. I downloaded Neutron, made a shortcut on the desktop, changed the shortcut with the small program UACpass, and put the new shortcut in the startup folder. This works fine on my Win 7.


My english is poor but i try to text my problem

i have problem in my pc cmos bettery holder or in motherboard. when i restart my pc date is 1 1 2005 then my some software like 3dsmax, corel draw ,etc have some error ….and my pc not have internet connection and not connected any network pc …can have utility that custome time in boot ….i dont want to sync exect date or time …..can have any utility that custome time in boot and fix date start like when i start time like 01 01 2015. ….have software?

Alexandre2 years ago

Neutron works like a charm.
Thanks a lot.


Personally, I just create a Windows Task:

%windir%system32sc.exe start w32time task_started
%windir%system32w32tm.exe /resync

Runs at 1:15am every day and makes sure time stays in sync using built in Windows NTP client.

David3 years ago

Great advice…. assuming i could get omline,whch i cant.


Thanks for all this, but I downloaded the batch file NeutronTime_Task.zip and extracted it to create the Neutron Time task. It creates the task in the task scheduler, but every time I reboot the computer, the task disappear. I don’t really understand why, if someone can help me with this..

HAL9000 Author3 years ago

A scheduled task should not disappear during a reboot after it has been created. Are you running some sort of security software that is watching the tasks?


I have Avast Premium and I run BoostSpeed 9, but I don’t anything else that could interfere with the task. I also had Unchecky that I have uninstalled who was running from the start. Could it be that because i created a scheduled task of synchronizing the time every day that the system deletes the Neutron task? I don’t really know what to do.

HAL9000 Author3 years ago

Once the task is created and you can confirm it’s present in Task Scheduler, the task will not be deleted by Windows itself, something else must be removing the entry. It won’t matter if you are using Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 10.

You can always use the other method of placing a shortcut for Neutron in your Startup folder if the task is giving you so much trouble. We like the task method but it’s not the only way to run Neutron on boot.


Thanks for reminding me of the method of the startup folder, I had forgotten about that one! It will be much simpler and I don’t think it will be deleted. I hope so that it will stay there! Thanks.

Barnacle Boy3 years ago

Thanks for the useful articles, as for additional info, I have using CMDTIME to solve bios clock reset, seems the motherboard issue instead of battery since i have try to replace the battery but the problem still persist. I simply put this small cmdtime batch file to windows 7 64 startup, as long as you have internet connection it will work like charm. Please check it here autohotkey.com/board/topic/2618-synchronize-clock-with-internet-time-servers-at-startup/


In my experience w32time will not sync the time on the first attempt, because the time sample usually is “stale” (as reported by w32tm cli tool). To solve this, I ran a batch file which invoked w32tm /resync three times with pauses of 4-5 seconds, or alternatively set the SpecialPollInterval very low initially, and then changed it to normal. Interesting trigger for that task scheduler. I figured I could ping an IP to wait for network to become available instead. This also works on XP. To keep the service running on Seven I deleted the scheduled task that already existed.

Disappointingly, on XP I received no clear description of the error either in control panel or in the event log, until after after one poll interval had elapsed. Understanding and configuring W32time is just like NetBIOS shares, where the only feedback Windows gives is “access denied” after a loong delay…

Thank you for the link to Dimension 4. It is smaller than Meinberg NTP.

Carlton Banks3 years ago

Good blog posting as usual Raymond. I run much profitable ecommerce store and I sometime need to process a payment on my personal computer if my portal fails. If the time on my labtop does not match with the payment system the payment fail. It is critical that my time is write so I’m happy for these informations.


Thanks for this post. I installed immediately Neutron on my portable.

Hilder3 years ago

very interesting.


D4 user for years.

Larry3 years ago

I have been using Atomic Clock Sync: a free configuration utility for years provided by worldtimeserver.com/atomic-clock/, simple, reliable.


It is indeed a useful tool and we looked at it, unfortunately it has several shortcomings for what we are doing in the article. It cannot auto sync on starting the program, cannot quit once synced, cannot contact any other servers besides time.nist.gov and relies on the Windows Time service (which can be hit and miss).

Remember, the article is not about general or useful time syncing tools, but tools that can auto sync with a time server when starting your computer.

Charn Kiatboonsri3 years ago

Is there a time server based on http rather than ntp? The proxy server at work seems to block ntp.


Dimension 4 allows you to setup a time server over http, more information on how to do it is in their FAQ:


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Posted byI used to be a hero...4 years ago

It's no secret that DirectX 11 code in this game is massively broken. And with each patch, more and more players experience a problem, where they are either unable to launch the game, or get stuck in one of the loading screens. The solution is simple, disable DX11 altogether, and use either DX9 or DX9EX.

There are also several issues with people being unable to play the game (crashes etc.) because of data corruption, faulty hardware or other reasons.

This post will help you diagnose and fix the above issues.

One basic thing to do before you begin, when you open your launcher, you should open Options (top-right) and uncheck on-demand patching, if it is checked. The launcher should now download approximately 4-5GB of data. After it is done, your game will no longer download any files when trasferring between zones.

If that does not solve your issue, check out the following solutions:

I can access the game, but crash after a short while

Go to settings, then Display, and from the Video Card dropdown, select either Direct3d 9 or Direct3d 9ex.

I cannot access the game, the game crashes before character selection screen or loads for a very long time

Open the launcher, in the top-right corner click Options. A dialog will appear. Scroll down to the bottom, where the Command Line text box is. Into the box paste the following text:

Press save and launch the game.

If, for some reason, this doesn't work, open Options in launcher, find a setting called Safe Mode, and check it.

Then follow the same steps as you would as if you could access the game.

Windows 8/8.1/10 users: Since those Windows versions come without DirectX 9.0c redistributables, you may wanna check whether they are properly installed in your system.

Here is the official download link for the DX9.0c installer.

I can access the game, but crash or freeze after a longer while or upon entering specific zones

Open the launcher, in the top-right corner click Options. A dialog will appear. Find an option called Force Verify and check it.

The launcher will now verify all game files and redownload any missing or damaged ones.

Several people have reported issues with crashing after a bit of playing. If you are experiencing such issues, make sure that the following settings under Advanced tab in options are set like so:

  • Reduce File Streaming ON

  • Reduce CPU/GPU Usage OFF

If none of those work, I would strongly recommend checking your Hard Drive and RAM for errors. If you don't know how to do it, check the following resources:


  • Checking your Hard Drive for errors. Make sure to enable scanning for bad sectors. You may need to reboot your PC to perform the check, and it may take a while.

  • Checking your RAM for errors.


Disclaimer: I don't have a Mac. I have no way of verifying the validity of those instructions.

  • Checking your Hard Drive for errors.

  • Checking your RAM for errors.


  • Checking your Hard Drive for errors.

Alternative (cross-platform) method of testing your RAM

This method will require you to create a bootable media of some kind (either a CD/DVD or a USB drive) and booting your PC from it. It uses a tool called Memtest86+ (available here). Once you have the media created, boot your PC from it, and run the test. One thing to note, it may yield more accurate results than OS's built-in tests.

What to do if any of the tests shows problems

If any of these tests shows errors, don't panic. Start off by making a backup of the most critical data to an external medium, such as internet storage, external hard drive, or anything of that sort. Then replace the faulty hardware as soon as possible to avoid further corruption or losing your data.

No problems detected, what now?

Note: The below applies to Windows, I am not certain whether it works the same in Wine or other Windows emulators

One thing I have learned recently is that the game enumerates all devices that were ever installed on your system on certain (possibly all) map changes. Each device you plug in creates an entry in your system's registry. Sometimes, those entries can get corrupted. If your game screen still freezes, try unplugging some devices or plugging ones that are not currently plugged.
