Learn 2 Kaizo Rom Hack Ips Patch Download

Kaizo Mario is a rom hack of Super Mario World created by T. Takemoto, an unknown Japanese rom hacker. It was made to split your eyes out and make you cry. The game includes difficult, precision jumps; multiple obstacles at once; and many, many nasty traps along the way.

This site has many purposes. It's main purpose is to take the ROMhacking Community to the next level. We will hopefully put the word 'Community' back into the ROMhacking community. The ROMhacking community in recent years has been scattered and stagnant. It is our goal and hope to bring people back together and breath some new life into the community. We want to encourage new people to join the hobby and make it easier than ever for them to do so.


Learn 2 Kaizo Rom Hack Ips Patch Download Free

It is also our goal to provide a document, utility, and translation archive as well as fill the roll of a one stop news source for the community. We strive to overcome the problems and succeed where other similar sites have failed. One unique way we hope to do that is through putting the power in your hands.

Make A Rom Hack

  • Pokemon Dark Rising Kaizo Version Download. You can read the full information for this ROM hack the author’s website. Patch UPS Files via Lunar IPS; How To.
  • Phantasy Star ROM Hacks. Offered here are IPS files that you use to patch the original ROM. Hack by The Komrade. Download Hordes of Nei. Numan Revolution. This ROM patch changes a lot. It fixes the dialog to make more sense, the text is actually heavily edited and gives more depth to the characters.
  • Time Remaining for C3 Winter 2019: 1 DAY, 5 HOURS, 52 MINUTES AND 58 SECONDS.
  • Learn 2 Kaizo by NeXuS15 (Kaizo Tutorial). Like Floating IPS. Patch a clean Super Mario World ROM and you are ready to play. Download that and google 'learn 2.
  • Download Pokemon CosmicEmerald Version, a GBA Rom Hack, Latest Version: May 24, 2018 update, pre-patched and ready to play.
  • ROMs (SMC Files) are illegal and are not hosted here and it is very. Very rare to find a ROM version of Kaizo 3. If you want to learn how to patch ROMs, go find a video in YouTube.
Learn 2 kaizo rom hack ips patch download pc

Jul Rom


We hope to allow the community to submit their own work, maintain the database, and make the news updates themselves. Our ultimate goal is to have a community run site that does not rely on the bottleneck of staff to do everything which can often lead to a stale, inactive site. The full system for this transition will take time, but it has already begun. This is a site built for the Community and it will endure ongoing changes based on your feedback to provide the services you need.